Lunch and Liberation Graduate Reading Group
Come join us the newly launched The Center for Feminist Futures’ Lunch and Liberation Graduate Reading Group! Open to all UCSB graduate students, Lunch and Liberation is organized and led by graduate students. The Center for Feminist Futures provides access to books and other readings as well as food and space. Please see the application for Spring Quarter here.
Winter Quarter, we focus on Black, Trans, Abolitionist writings by Eric Stanley, Miss Major and Toshio Meronek, and LaVelle Ridley. We have limited copies of Eric Stanley’s Atmospheres of Violence and Miss Major’s book available. All readings are available electronically upon registration.
Presented by The Center for Feminist Futures
JAN 22, 2024, 12-1:30pm — Location TBA
FEB 5, 2024, 12-1:30pm — Location TBA
FEB 14, 2024, 12-1:30pm — Location TBA