“Misogyny, Racism, & Violence at UCSB: The IV Killings 10 Years Later”
This month is the ten year anniversary of the IV tragedy. What have we learned about the incel communities that justified, celebrated, and copied Elliot Rodger’s violence against women students at UCSB? What would it look like for the university to take seriously the impact of misogyny on campus life? How does the racialization of gender, and the gendering of race, provide vital insights into campus-based violence? And what is the relationship between the IV killings and the global “anti gender” movement, attacks on gender studies, and resistance to feminist ideas?
“Misogyny, Racism, & Violence at UCSB: The IV Killings 10 Years Later”
May 24th at 11am MCC Lounge
For questions about this event, please reach out to Jane Ward janew@ucsb.edu